Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ephesians 4:23

"And be renewed in the spirit of your mind" These words are what my theme is for this year, 2012. After what has turned out to be one of the hardest years for me in many respects, I ended the year feeling like there was nothing to really live for. I was depressed, miserable, and someone no one really wanted to be around. To top it off, One of my closest friends shunned me for  the better part of a month. It tortured me, and I didn't know what to do...All of these factors and more made me realize that I was at the bottom, and I had no where to look but up.
Many people like to make new year's resolutions that don't tend to last past the end of January. Im wanting to do the same, minus the not lasting past the end of January. This is my year of Renewal, and re-focus. I plan on reevaluating everything in my life starting from the foundation up. Im calling it..."Operation Back to Basics". Step one of this operation, is to determine what it  is I believe, and evaluating my faith and what/who is my faith based on, and while I do that, I plan on doing three things and they are:

1: REBUILD relationships that I have neglected
2: NURTURE the relationships that are growing and doing well
3: START building new relationships so they may blossom into something wonderful.

I know this is going to take a lot of work but it CAN be done. I have an excellent support group, friends and others that have encouraged me, and helped me through some hard times...they know who they are. Here is my...wake up you idiot song

Hope you all enjoy. Be Renewed


  1. I got my inspiration for the new year from Ephesians, also. I hope you succeed.

  2. Your recgonition of your state of being has brought me to tears. I'll lift you in prayer as you journey to your goals. Wow! Your such a blessing to me right now! Thanks Brad.
    Mrs. D
