Wednesday, February 22, 2012

20 days and a wakeup!

Aaaaaaaaand, I'm back and not a moment too soon! I must apologize for my late post, I had absolutely nothing to post about and I have lost my camera memory card so no pictures. =[ Sad I know. But today there is stuff to post about! Joy and jubilation, whatever could it be?!? Actually not much...sorry for the excitement...but anyways, in 21 days I head to Florida for a week and let me say, I CAN NOT WAIT!! It's a trip that is long over due, and quite frankly, I need it...BAD. So that is the big thing that I am looking forward to. And in 19 months, my Army contract is UP! YAAAAAAY! In other news, I saw this movie,

It was nice to see Daniel Radcliffe NOT as Harry Potter, it gave me a few jumps and even made the hair on my neck stand on end, so yes it did it's job as a horror movie. HOWEVER, the ending was HORRIBLE!! Also, it wasn't as good as Insidious which is to date the scariest movie I have seen. And like I said earlier, my Army contract is up in 19 months...after that...(as of now,) I am considering two options...1) Get out of the military completely or...2) Join the........

 That's right, the US Marine Corps...probably full time if possible...Its something that I am really considering and praying about.  I mean, I went through the Army...sailed through it more like, and I'm looking for the next challenge, and what is up from the Army? The Marines, the "Spearhead of the US Armed Forces." Ive already spend 6 years...(Man I can't believe that it has been that long.) and why not finish the other 14 years and retire?  But that is just a possible future that I am praying and thinking about... but yeah that's the latest updates I have...more will follow...Im just tired. Ciao all